Country in Shock as City Pastor is caught Red handed doing Unthinkable acts with follower amidst COVID-19 Scare

Country in Shock as City Pastor is caught Red handed doing Unthinkable acts with follower amidst COVID-19 Scare

Nowadays, some churches are not even considered as the temple of God anymore. People have established their own churches without any experience of preaching in the aim of getting money, claiming to be a calling from God.

Religion as started to be considered as a game, since some pastors are playing like footballers. They are using religion for their own persona gain. Even if Jesus said “Do has I say but do not do what I do”, they are becoming too much now.

In recent days, their has evolved a generation of fake pastors and preachers who are doing unthinkable things to the people, so to prove that they have power. Others are even using dark powers in church to perform miracles, convincing their congregation. They speak some rubbish language claiming that they are speaking in tongues. Am even convinced they are guided by the evil spirit, instead of the holy spirit. They belong to the kingdom of the devil.

They have started forcing their followers to drink substances regarded to be harmful to the body such as detergents, claiming to be cleansing their believers.

In a certain church, which I cannot reveal, a certain pastor was caught on camera walking and stepping on top of the backs of his followers, who were lying down claiming to have received the holy spirit from God.

Even though Jesus took wine in his last table with his disciples, a well know elderly pastor was pictured with alcohol on the table, which was meant to be given to his congregation. Alcohol in church!

Some are even commanding their followers to eat foreign things such as grass which may bring adverse effects to the body of human beings. They even strip necked their followers, which is a very sinful and shameful act in the eyes of God.

Some situations have been tragic; a woman died after a poster placed a heavy speaker on her stomach. They are forcing their followers to even eat live snakes. Oh my God!

The following are some pictures which will surprise you:

The world is coming to an end with the emergence of this fake pastors.

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